June 1, 2012 Dateline Charleston, SC USA
Rich and Carol got me up early yesterday and I was on my way by 6:45 AM. I was close between two other boats and their captains helped Rich get me out from between them. The trip of some 67 miles was along the Intercoastal Waterway and was a slow one for nearly 7 hours, less than 10 miles an hour. Rich could have made me go faster but I think he was concerned about the narrow channels and the surprise shoaling that occurs in the channel.
Cindy and Matt along with their bulldogs, Lucy and Eva, drove ahead on land. As Cindy and Matt drove over the James Island Parkway Bridge in Charleston I went under it. How is that for timing?

The tide here is nearly 7 feet so periodically I would imagine that during the course of a day this boat actually floats.
Carol has been trying to get pictures of dolphins with no success. Well she tried again and here is what she got. She doesn’t realize that dolphins hide from me and the sound of my engines. Notice the ripples in the water ahead of my bow, they were made by dolphins.
In Charleston, Cindy told Rich that there was a Moon Pie ® retail store in the city. She knew exactly where it was located so it was one of the first places that they went to. Moon Pie ® now has a cardboard carry box that contains two full size Moon Pies ® and two bottles of Royal Crown Cola, how good can it get!
This afternoon, they all went to Fort Sumter where the War of Northern Aggression commenced. Considering that South Carolina attacked the Union I wonder who the real aggressor was. Above the Fort there are 5 flags flying, two that represented the union before and later in the War; two that represent the official Confederacy flags and the one in the middle is the state flag of South Carolina.
The USS Yorktown is also a museum located in Charleston, they did not have time to visit it but it sure makes for a pretty picture.
The end of another day!!