May 7, 2012 Dateline: Cape Canaveral, FL USA
Rich and Carol got back to me on Saturday. When Rich left more than a month ago, I thought he was sick. When we got in from the Bahamas he did not wash me---in fact he barely hosed me off. I knew something was wrong. I have learned that he is really SICK. The doctors just love to stick him with needles and IV hoses. He is afraid to drink water because he is so full of holes he thinks it might leak out. He told me that he receives two weeks of treatments and then gets one week off. He and Carol told me that they would come back to me on the off weeks and move me closer to home. This is an off week, so on Sunday morning they filled my tanks and off we went to Ft. Pierce some 54 miles north.
While I was sitting in Old Port Cove Marina Rich hired someone to wash me, a really nice guy named Brian, who gave me a good detailing. Boy did that feel good, he got the diesel soot off of me and I was nice and clean—just waiting for the two of them to get back. When I got to Ft. Pierce Carol found out that something had gone wrong with my Satellite TV antenna and she can not Fox News, Rich did some basic checks but could not find the problem. I hope he can put up with her withdrawal symptoms over the next week.
The trip from North Palm Beach to Ft Pierce was easy, the seas were flat and I ran at 20 knots almost the whole time. Rather than going up the Intracoastal Rich told me to go out the Lake Worth Inlet and run in the ocean (Did I tell you I like deep water). He told me that we have to make the Isle of Hope, GA by next Sunday, so my job is to get us there on time.

While at the Harbortown in Fort Pierce, Marina Rich and Carol met two other Loopers, one of them they had met before in Mobile, AL. It is strange that Loopers go their separate ways and six months later end up in the same place.

My sister, Cindy, made this sign for Rich. They are words for all humans to live by.