May 8, 2012 Dateline: New Smyrna Beach, FL USA

Further up the canal I came upon Sykes Creek where I first entered the water world. My birth canal is a narrow overgrown creek through which all boats that are delivered by water must pass when they leave the Sykes Creek Sea Ray plant, the plant at which I was born.
Now comes the interesting question, when does one complete the Loop? When they complete the full circle or when they return to the point at which they started? There are potentially three outcomes to the questions above. Rich and I have now completed the Loop since he took delivery of me at the Sykes Creek factory and he has traveled all the way to New Jersey by water and so have I. Carol will not complete the Loop with me until she gets to Norfolk, VA and the final scenario is that we complete it in Cape May, NJ. Oh, the thoughts to ponder.

As I went up the Intercoastal Waterway (ICW) I came upon a mooring field in Titusville, it gave a really interesting pattern on my radar screen. Though there were only a few boats in the field all of the balls bounced back my radar beams.
The ICW was boring today as we traveled at only 6-8 knots but it did give Rich and Carol a chance to look around and see the scenery. They noticed this house with an eagle or osprey nest on the roof. Boy, I bet that is a safe place to raise your offspring.
After 47 miles I stopped at New Smyrna Beach for the night. I have no idea where the two of them found this marina but it was frightening getting into and I am a mega yacht in it. I am told that I will leave tomorrow for St Augustine. More ICW----I want deep water where I can go fast.